A for Arecibo
Organized by Destil Creative Hub @destilcreativehub in collaboration with Back in Time @backintime.al
Curated by Fabio Toska @fabiotoska
📆 29 November 19:00
đź•Ł 19:00
đź“ŤDestil Creative Hub
A for Arecibo: Signals across the iron curtain is an exhibition consisting of an installative production that revisits the contrast between the futuristic approach of the Space Age in the West and the technological products “with our own forces” during socialism in Albania through objects and multimedia images. While the efforts to explore the cosmos and the immense desire to establish contact with extraterrestrial life forms were at their peak, in 1974 an interstellar message titled Arecibo was sent into space. Mankind hoped to communicate with the unknown. While in the West the much desired contact with the unknown turned into an influence that massively encompassed and embodied art, architecture, music, and design, widely known as the Space Age, in Albania contact was orientated through illegal TV antennas. The unknown in Albania from the world beyond came in the form of radio television waves, ready to shape an open-minded individual in the midst of an autarchic and isolated regime.
Image: Graphics of Battery 4.5V from the collection Back in Time, 2024
A for Arecibo: Signals across the iron curtain
Një ekspozitë nga Destil Creative Hub @destilcreativehub në bashkëpunim me Back in Time @backintime.al
Kuruar nga Fabio Toska @fabiotoska
📆 29 November 19:00
đź•Ł 19:00
đź“ŤDestil Creative Hub
A for Arecibo: Signals across the iron curtain Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« ekspozitĂ« e pĂ«rbĂ«rĂ« nga njĂ« produksion instalativ qĂ« risjell nĂ«pĂ«rmjet objekteve dhe imazheve multimediale kontrastin midis qasjes futuriste tĂ« Space Age nĂ« perĂ«ndim dhe prodhimeve teknologjike “me forcat tona” gjatĂ« socializmit nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri. Teksa pĂ«rpjekjet pĂ«r tĂ« eksploruar kozmosin dhe dĂ«shira e pamasĂ« pĂ«r t’u vendosur nĂ« kontakt me forma jete jashtĂ«tokĂ«sore ishin nĂ« kulmin e tyre, nĂ« vitin 1974 dĂ«rgohet njĂ« mesazh ndĂ«ryjor nĂ« hapĂ«sirĂ« me titullin Arecibo. NjerĂ«zimi shpresonte tĂ« shkĂ«mbente me tĂ« panjohurĂ«n. NĂ«se nĂ« perĂ«ndim kontakti i dĂ«shiruar me tĂ« panjohurĂ«n u kthye nĂ« njĂ« influencĂ« qĂ« pĂ«rfshiu dhe trupĂ«zoi masivisht artin, arkitekturĂ«n, muzikĂ«n, dizajnin, e njohur gjerĂ«sisht si Space Age, nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri kontakti drejtohej nĂ«pĂ«rmjet antenave ilegale. E panjohura nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri nga bota pĂ«rtej vinte nĂ« trajtĂ«n e valĂ«ve radiotelevizive, tĂ« gatshme pĂ«r tĂ« formĂ«suar njĂ« individ mendjehapur nĂ« mesin e njĂ« regjimi autarkik dhe tĂ« izoluar.Â
Imazh: Grafikë e Baterisë 4.5V nga koleksi i Back in Time, 2024
November 9, 2024