The Sea from the Lady

by Genc Kadriu @genc.kadriu
mixed media photography installation
organized by Pararoja @pararoja

📅 29, 30 Nov & 01 Dec
🕗 11:00 – 20:00
📍 Villa of the Institute for the Integration of Political Victims


Life is apparently a happy, easy, and lively thing up there in the shadow of the mountains and in the monotony of this seclusion. Then the suggestion is thrown up that this kind of life is a life of shadows. No initiative; no fight for liberty. Only longings and desires. This is how life is lived in the brief light summer. And afterwards—into the darkness. Then longings are roused for the life of the great world outside. But what would be gained from that? With changed surroundings and with one’s mind developed there is an increase in one’s cravings and longings and desires. Everywhere limitation. From this comes melancholy like a subdued song of mourning over the whole human existence. One bright summer day with a great darkness thereafter – that is all. The sea’s power of attraction. The longing for the sea. People akin to the sea. Bound by the sea. Dependent on the sea. Must return to it.
—Henrik Ibsen

Photography cannot avoid the aesthetic cut that separates the outcomes from the intentions and forbids any straight way toward an ‘other side’ of the images.
—Jacques Ranciùre

Image: The Sea from the Lady, analogue photography, Genc Kadriu, 2024



The Sea from the Lady, 2024
nga Genc Kadriu @genc.kadriu
instalacion fotografi mix-media
organizuar nga Pararoja @pararoja

📅 29, 30 NĂ«ntor & 01 Dhjetor
🕗 11:00 – 20:00
📍 Vila e Institutit pĂ«r Integrimin tĂ« PĂ«rndjekurve PolitikĂ«


Jeta duket si njĂ« gjĂ« e lumtur, e lehtĂ« dhe e gjallĂ« atje lart, nĂ«n hijen e maleve dhe nĂ« monotoninĂ« e kĂ«tij izolimi. Pastaj lind sugjerimi se kjo lloj jete Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« jetĂ« hijesh. AsnjĂ« iniciativĂ«; asnjĂ« luftĂ« pĂ«r liri. VetĂ«m dĂ«shira dhe Ă«ndrra. KĂ«shtu jetohet jeta nĂ« dritĂ«n e shkurtĂ«r tĂ« verĂ«s. Dhe mĂ« pas—nĂ« errĂ«sirĂ«. Pastaj zgjohen dĂ«shirat pĂ«r jetĂ«n e madhe jashtĂ«. Por çfarĂ« do tĂ« fitohej nga kjo? Me ndryshimin e rrethanave dhe zhvillimin e mendjes, rriten dĂ«shirat dhe aspiratat. Kudo ka kufizime. Nga kjo buron njĂ« melankoli, si njĂ« kĂ«ngĂ« e zbutur e vajit mbi ekzistencĂ«n e tĂ«rĂ« njerĂ«zimit. NjĂ« ditĂ« e ndritshme vere me njĂ« errĂ«sirĂ« tĂ« madhe pas—kjo Ă«shtĂ« e gjitha. Fuqia tĂ«rheqĂ«se e detit. DĂ«shira pĂ«r detin. NjerĂ«z tĂ« ngjashĂ«m me detin. TĂ« lidhur nga deti. TĂ« varur nga deti. Duhet tĂ« kthehen tek ai. —Henrik Ibsen

Fotografia nuk mund t’i shmanget prerjes estetike qĂ« ndan rezultatet nga qĂ«llimet dhe ndalon çdo rrugĂ« tĂ« drejtĂ«, drejt njĂ« ‘ana tjetĂ«r’ tĂ« imazheve. —Jacques RanciĂšre

Imazhi: The Sea from the Lady, foto analoge, Genc Kadriu, 2024
