Underwater Balloon

Artist Talk with Klara Fyshku @klara_fyshku
Organized by Minus Art Space @minusartspace_tr

Exhibition Underwater Balloon
Artist: Klara Fyshku

đź“… 01.12.2024
đź•— 11:00
đź“Ť Minus Art Space


The artist talk is part of the exhibition Underwater Balloon, which will be open at Minus Art Space, during the Tirana Art Week opening hours.

As part of the open call for young artists, Minus Art Space continues with the next exhibition, “Underwater Balloon.” We are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the Master’s graduation work by the emerging artist Klara Fyshku. Through her medium of video installation, the artist draws you underwater. For her, the experience of being submerged evokes a sense of struggle and physical resistance against an endless blue mass, a feeling that mirrors her daily efforts to withstand the pressures of functioning within a community and fulfilling “daily duties.” This pressure is a constant companion, both mentally and physically, often just an idea—a bubble of air we carry along with us.

Image: Video still from Underwater Balloon, Klara Fyshku, 2024



Bisedë me artisten Klara Fyshku @klara_fyshku
organizuar nga Minus Art Space @minusartspace_tr

Ekspozita Underwater Balloon
Artist: Klara Fyshku

đź“… 01.12.2024
đź•— 11:00
đź“Ť Minus Art Space


Biseda me artisten  është pjesë e ekspozitës Underwater Balloon, e cila do të jetë e hapur në Minus Art Space, gjatë orarit të hapjes së Tirana Art Weekend.

Si pjesĂ« e thirrjes sĂ« hapur pĂ«r artistĂ«t e rinj, Minus Art Space vazhdon me ekspozitĂ«n e radhĂ«s, “Balona NĂ«n Ujë”. Kemi kĂ«naqĂ«sinĂ« t’ju ftojmĂ« nĂ« prezantimin e punĂ«s sĂ« diplomimit tĂ« artistes sĂ« re Klara Fyshku. PĂ«rmes instalacionit tĂ« saj video, artistja ju tĂ«rheq nĂ«n ujĂ«. PĂ«r tĂ«, pĂ«rvoja e tĂ« qĂ«nit e zhytur ngjall njĂ« ndjesi pĂ«rpjekjeje dhe rezistence fizike kundĂ«r njĂ« mase tĂ« pafundme blu, ndjenjĂ« qĂ« pasqyron pĂ«rpjekjet e saj tĂ« pĂ«rditshme pĂ«r tĂ« pĂ«rballuar presionet e funksionimit brenda komunitetit, si dhe pĂ«r tĂ« pĂ«rmbushur “detyrat e pĂ«rditshme.” Ky presion Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« shoqĂ«rues i vazhdueshĂ«m, si mendĂ«risht ashtu edhe fizikisht, shpesh dhe vetĂ«m si njĂ« ide – njĂ« flluskĂ« ajri qĂ« e mbajmĂ« me vete.

Imazhi: Pamje nga video Underwater Balloon, Klara Fyshku, 2024
