Diaries: The Calendars, Lindart and the Albanian Women Artists Association

Organized by Bulevard Art and Media Institute @bulevard_art_media_institute
Curated by academy of others.

đź“… 29, 30 Nov & 01 Dec
đź•— 11:00 – 20:00
đź“Ť Destil Creative Hub


Diaries explores the history of the Lindart Association – the first and only Women’s Artist Association in Albania after the end of the Communist Regime in 1991. Conceived in 1993 and founded in 1994 by 14 women artists working within the art scene at the time, Lindart responded to the need for creating new learning opportunities in a context in which old patriarchal traditions continued to shape the development of culture and visual art. The collective opened the Lindart Cultural Center in 2000, and between 2001 and 2010 they developed a program that produced exhibitions, workshops and events. Despite the historical and international significance of Lindart’s program, their work and their struggle as artists and as women is barely known. The Calendars are an ongoing element of the Diaries, a timeline holding local and international happenings that slowly materializes while in conversation with colleagues, the local community and the wider public. 

Image: The Calendars, Diaries, Lindart and The Albanian Women Artists Association, 0.1 The Exhibition, courtesy of Bulevard Art and Media Institute, photo by Indrit Skanderaj, 2022.



Diaries: The Calendars, Lindart and the Albanian Women Artists Association
organizuar nga Bulevard Art and Media Institute @bulevard_art_media_institute
me Diaries: The Calendars, kuruar nga academy of others.

đź“… 29, 30 NĂ«ntor dhe 1 Dhjetor
đź•— 11:00 – 20:00
đź“Ť Destil Creative Hub


Diaries eksploron historinĂ« e ShoqatĂ«s Lindart – e para dhe e vetmja ShoqatĂ« e ArtistĂ«ve Gra nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri pas pĂ«rfundimit tĂ« regjimit komunist nĂ« 1991. E konceptuar nĂ« vitin 1993 dhe e themeluar nĂ« vitin 1994 nga 14 gra artiste qĂ« punonin nĂ« skenĂ«n e artit nĂ« atĂ« kohĂ«, Lindart ju pĂ«rgjigj nevojĂ«s pĂ«r krijimin e mundĂ«sive tĂ« reja tĂ« tĂ« mĂ«suarit nĂ« njĂ« kontekst nĂ« tĂ« cilin traditat e vjetra patriarkale vazhduan tĂ« formĂ«sonin zhvillimin e kulturĂ«s dhe artit pamor. Kolektivi hapi QendrĂ«n Kulturore Lindart nĂ« vitin 2000 dhe midis 2001 dhe 2010 ato zhvilluan njĂ« program qĂ« prodhonte ekspozita, punĂ«tori dhe ngjarje. PavarĂ«sisht rĂ«ndĂ«sisĂ« historike dhe ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare tĂ« programit tĂ« Lindart, puna e tyre dhe lufta e tyre si artiste dhe si gra mezi njihet. KalendarĂ«t janĂ« njĂ« element i vazhdueshĂ«m i Diaries, njĂ« afat kohor qĂ« mban ngjarjet lokale dhe ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare qĂ« materializohen ngadalĂ« gjatĂ« bisedĂ«s me kolegĂ«t, komunitetin lokal dhe publikun e gjerĂ«.

Imazh: The Calendars, Diaries, Lindart and The Albanian Women Artists Association, 0.1 The Exhibition, courtesy of Bulevard Art and Media Institute, foto nga Indrit Skanderaj, 2022.