The Decalogue of a Tirana Neighborhood

Reading of The Decalogue of a Tirana Neighborhood
organized by
Botime Berk @berkbotime
reading by Anna Shkreli

📅 30 November
🕗 19:00
📍 Botime Berk
Botime Berk will be open during the Tirana Art Weekend hours.


This book “The Decalogue of a Tirana Neighborhood” offers a compelling and concise reading experience, reminiscent of storytelling in the garden. Through the portrayal of human lives over seven decades, it weaves a story of Tirana’s history and ethnocultural identity. The Decalogue is also a homage to local, ‘authorless’ architecture — a form that both shaped and was shaped by the Tirana way of life. Additionally, the book invites meaningful conversations on collective memory, the challenge of preserving intangible heritage over material forms, and the dynamics of community representation in urban planning. We hope it leaves you with thought-provoking questions to carry forward.

Image: Botime Berk, 2024



Lexim i Dekalogu i një lagjeje tiranase
organizuar nga Botime Berk @berkbotime
lexim nga Anna Shkreli

📅 30 NĂ«ntor
🕗 19:00
📍 Botime Berk

Botime Berk do të jetë hapur gjatë orarit të Tirana Art Weekend.


Libri “Dekalogu i njĂ« lagjeje tiranase” vjen si njĂ« lexim i bukur e i thukĂ«t “nĂ«n hardhi”, i cili nĂ«pĂ«rmjet rrĂ«fimit tĂ« jetĂ«ve njerĂ«zore pĂ«rgjatĂ« shtatĂ« dekadave, krijon njĂ« panoramĂ« tĂ« historisĂ« dhe etnokulturĂ«s sĂ« TiranĂ«s. Dekalogu vjen gjithashtu si njĂ« homazh ndaj arkitekturĂ«s lokale dhe “pa autor”, asaj arkitekture e cila formĂ«soi dhe u formĂ«sua nga ‘modus vivendi’ i tiranasve. Libri gjithashtu ka potencialin tĂ« nxisĂ« diskutime tĂ« rĂ«ndĂ«sishme mbi kujtesĂ«n, aftĂ«sisĂ« pĂ«r ruajtjen e trashĂ«gime jo-materiale nĂ« kurriz tĂ« asaj materiale si dhe proceseve tĂ« pĂ«rfaqĂ«simit nĂ« planifikimet urbane. NĂ« pĂ«rfundim tĂ« tij, urojmĂ« t’ju kemi lĂ«nĂ« me njĂ« sĂ«rĂ« pyetjesh tĂ« rĂ«ndĂ«sishme.

Imazh: Botime Berk, 2024

